Democracy Will Not Get Affected

IMG_8088Many in Pakistan are equating their liking or disliking for Imran Khan with their reaction to the Supreme Court’s decision disqualifying Nawaz Sharif. The two should be kept separate.

The law should take its course when a person is found to be corrupt. This should be regardless of whether he or she is in office or not and whether the person is elected or not. The elected folks obviously cannot be exempted from corruption.

The fact that it is difficult to prosecute corrupt Army personnel or members of the judiciary or bureaucracy is sad and condemnable but it does not mean that whoever is caught comes with the defense to point his finger at those who have not been caught. Such an approach can be adopted by any criminal, including murderers or rapists.

The Supreme Court bench did not prohibit democracy in the country. It continues as before. It only looked into allegations of corruption against Nawaz Sharif and his family and gave them nine long months to defend themselves. Isn’ t this long enough? If they had any defense, they would have provided it to the court. However, when the money is acquired through commissions and other illegal means, then the trail cannot be revealed.

In case of ordinary criminals in a similar case, the investigative authorities by now would have been able to secure the details through keeping the accused in police custody. These were VIP accused who came with protocol and a convoy of dozens of car.

This was not witch hunting. The names came up in the Panama Leaks. If it had not come, the secret about the offshore companies would not have been revealed.

The government now is spreading conspiracy theories and maligning everybody opposing it and using massive amounts of money to muster a campaign in its support. You would be surprised if the list of people receiving money from the government, Press Information Department and the intelligence agencies could be suddenly leaked just like the Panama Leaks; unfortunately, we are not so fortunate.


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